Walt and Luke:
For my being my “knights in shining armor”, my rock, and my safe harbor. Time and again, you have given me hope, when I thought hope was lost.
To all the real life people who inspired the characters:
I am in your debt. All of you have touched my life. You are all “bits and pieces” of me. And I am enriched for it— even though at the time it was not necessarily the enrichment I sought or wanted. I know I have not done justice to all of who you are. Those are the failings of my imagination. Maybe, one day, you will gift me with your stories, so that I might be wiser and know you in more of your full human complexity.
, my editor:I wrote you an entire “love letter” because yes, On the Road to Jericho is readable as a book because of you.
My beta readers: David Fisher, Anthony Healy, Canna Grey, Karen Spreng, Stephanie Andres, Lauren Free, Kirsty Hoare, Claire Pott, Lois Strachan, Natalie Siston, Eilidh Hamilton.
I knew I’d written a book. What I didn’t know was if I’d written a book that was worth reading. You were the ones who told me I had…and put me on the path to it being in the wider world. Your encouragement (ahem, insistence) that I get out of my own way and publish under my own name was just the loving kick in the pants I needed.
And Lois: who knew back then when I was reading to you, you would one day be guiding me on how to get published!
David (again!) and Bill Carmody:
David: from “I couldn’t stand you at first”, to being one of my biggest cheerleaders, I am blessed to count you as a steadfast friend. You and Bill were there literally from the first words being written. I might have taken a little longer to cross the finish line, but your accountability got me way down the track!
My Substack Founders:
Tony Heher (Dad): I literally would not be here without you (and Mom). We don’t always agree on things…but you are always Dad. And I love you.
Leslie Lewis: The “from out of nowhere” friend and delight that is you.
Mary Olk: Who could ask for a bigger heart?
Nick Borst: I dared you to fire me. You didn’t. Instead we did something great together.
Stephanie Andrés: We’ve seen each other through sh*t. I’m richer with you in my life.
Karen (again!):
You were there in 2017 and told me how strong you thought I was then. I just looked at you in amazement and thought: “You’ve got it backward, dear one. In your very kindness and gentleness, you’re the strong one.” You’ve continued to prove me right. This is for you. You know why. ❤
My clients:
Who have gifted me with knowing I finally made the right career choice…painful though it was to get here.
For my long suffering family:
Who have put up with my rollercoaster ride of a life, and the ensuing gut emptying nausea(!) The ride is smoother and more enjoyable now 😁.
My medical team, Mary Lauppe, Stacie Smith, Jamie Loehr, Barb Wood and the team at Malibu Vista
You saw me through the darkest days of my life. Words will never thank you enough.
The staff of the South African Representative Office in Palestine:
You took in a young, green diplomat and molded her into something better. Your patience and guidance is forever with me.
The Jerusalem Gang:
We are older and greyer, but the spirit of adventure lives on with us all. Those were such happy days. The agonizing heartbreak and losses since then make that precious time even more precious. For a brief moment hope and possibility flourished. May it return again…may the Palestinian people be truly free.
An especial thanks to Marwan Tarazi and Mark Khano for setting me straight on a number of things.
My fellow PQ Firekeepers:
You were there at the conception of this idea. Two of you published your own books while I was still writing mine. Hah! Thank you for your sages.
Each and all so intriguing! And the book hasn't even really started yet!
Edge of seat...
Useful to understanding the flow