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"In which escape means more than just a ride down the hill."

A good bike can "take one away," in its unique way, as a book can. I remember loving the ability to ride all over my neighborhood and escape into all sorts of glorious fun and adventure.

Eleanor, while presumably enjoying her rides, appears to be looking for a different kind of escape here. The Madam & Eve cartoon, and your writing Sue, illuminates a type of escape Kelebohile undoubtedly would wish for. I think I would like to escape from the titles of Madam and Master. And, I would say your writing is evocative enough to touch one with a sense of Mum's desire to escape some of her demons as well.

I wonder, is Eleanor also forming some notion of "how" she wants to "be" as she grows up? The note that Auntie Trudy’s "so much more cheerful" ... ?

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